Sunday, March 4, 2012

My First Treatment

Hi Family and Friends,
I had my first treatment on Tuesday Feb 28th. I am not going to lie I was scared.  I brought the chemo caps but I don’t think I made them cold enough so we will see in about 14 days if it worked. I went to work for the first half of the day then to be honest most of this is sort of a blur. I went and got the dry ice before chemo to freeze the hats.  Then my mom and I packed all of my 6 bags to take to my treatment.  One for meds, one for medical docs, another was my purse, one more for the Chemo hats, another for my laptop and another for my blankets and jackets.  Haha we were over prepared.  I got to my place where I packed and my mom prepared the hats then we went to St. Johns.  My dad met us at Saint John’s and helped with the luggage.  We looked like foreigners.  The nurse took me and my parents back to one room where I finally lost my cool completely and cried.  My mom and dad held strong and let me purge.  I love them. I first got my Lupron (menopause shot) so the chemo wouldn’t kill my eggs (fingers crossed). They let me pick my lounge chair in the treatment room so I tucked my luggage away and they hooked me up to the IV.  To take the edge off the nurse gave me some Ativan (for anxiety) which I’m pretty sure was enough for a 500lb man and not for a 140lb woman.  I was pretty messed up.  Then came the red liquid and the clear liquid.  I’m not sure which was which because I was so loopy.  After the 2 hours of treatment and shots I went home and felt like I was hit by a truck.  Close to throwing up but never did because of all the meds and ginger ale. I tried to fall asleep as much as possible.  I didn’t know I couldn’t take Ambien or Sonata but I did which could have caused me to go into a coma.  Well I won’t do that again.  The next three days was a blur and I just wanted to be sedated or knocked out completely.  I ate a little but not enough.  My mind wasn’t up to par the last few days and the nurse called it chemo head.  I guess the chemo effects everything as it should.  I noticed the skin on my lips are peeling off and my nose is filled with snot.  Not trying to impress here haha. My stomach is really sensitive and I have no energy.  Today I had to take a break from writing my calendar for March.  I laid down for 20 minutes after 5 min of writing my calendar. So last night (I think it was last night but it could have been the night before last) my roommate texted my mom and told her I wasn’t doing too well.  I’m not sure what tipped him to think I wasn’t doing well but I really wasn’t.  When I woke up I was about to call my mom to help me but she was already outside my place.  Last night my mom gave me food and water and scratched my head for a couple hours while the meds kicked in.  I was having such a rough time but today I’m feeling a little better.  Still have chemo head and menopause hot flashes maybe who knows what all of this is and what’s going on.  I feel like my IQ has gone down a lot since I started chemo.  The chemo kills my bacteria too which makes it so I have no body odor.  It’s weird.  Last night I had a resting heart rate of 100 so my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest.  I’ll write more once my brain turns back on.  This has been hard to say the least.  Thanks everyone for all of your help and support through this hard time. I tried to post the videos but they were too big.  Ill try again.

Im hooked through my port getting treatment.

I let finally let go and cried.

                                                 The HEADS of my support group.  I love you
 My mom

Mom by my bed after surgery
Dad with a smile during my chemo treatment

They have been by my side every second of this.  Thank you to everyone for all the support and help.


  1. Like I always tell you. You are one strong cookie. Your parents are the best and I'm so happy that they have been a great support for you. Love you Peaches.

  2. I'm rooting for you! My Dad is in chemo, you're tougher than him so I'm sure you can handle it!

  3. Sending healing energy and love every day Carina!xoxoxoxoox

  4. Hi Carina.. I work with your Aunt Pam in Buffalo, NY and I know she told you I was going to contact you.. I asked her to make sure it was alright with you before I did... I think you are a strong young lady and no doubt you will give the breast cancer a good fight.. It is do-able..! I am a survivor as well.. not nearly as young as you were when diagnosed, I am a five year survivor (as of October 2012) and am now 53 years old. I dealt best with it myself, by doing it one day at a time, sometimes, one hour at a time. I had my head shaved when I knew I would lose my hair, and when it grew back.. it was soft and wavy and I just loved it.. loved that I could see that our bodies can grow healthy again.. as yours will too. From what I have read you have a very positive attitude!! that is great.. and if you ever want to talk.. my email is I had the same treatment as you are having.. the adriamycin, (red devil) as they called it at my doc's office.. and the other meds.. and the after chemo feelings you experienced.. so I know.. I do.. and I feel that you will rally through this and soon look back on it like I do... knowing that you are a stronger person for what you have been thru.. knowing that life does hit us with bumps in the road.. some big some little but knowing that we will emerge from it healthier, stronger and loving each day more than ever before!!

  5. Hello there :) my name is Lura and I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer feb 13 2012 I finished my
    4 Ac/cytoxens and am on my 5th taxol treatment just finished today. I am 30 years old and was diagnosed one week after the birth of my daughter. So we can bet my butt I will be fighting this evil disease tooth and nail. It's nice to find a story you can relate to :) wish it didn't have to be cancer that brought us together :)

    1. Hi Lura,
      Im so sorry you have to go through this and especially right after giving birth to your daughter. This has been the hardest fight of my life and I cant imagine having a baby right before being diagnosed. Are you getting treatments every week? I would love to see how this has been for you and what your treatment plan is/was.
