Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fertility Treatment Surgery and Extraction was Successful!

Hi Everyone.  I went through 12 days of fertility injections in my stomach from once a day to 3 times a day at the end.  Yesterday Dr. Jain at Santa Monica Fertility successfully extracted 11 follicles and froze 10 of my eggs. Chemo has a high risk of causing infertility because the treatments are so toxic it sometimes kills the eggs and makes women infertile. I was an emotional wreck through this with hot flashes and crying and all that fun stuff but it seemed like when I was questioning why I was doing this I would see a cute little baby somewhere while i was out and they would smile at me and it let me know it was all worth it.  That's all i needed.  Now my stomach is bloated and I'm in pain but that will subside soon enough.  Chemo in a week.  I'm cutting my hair over the weekend.  I don't want to cut it off. 

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